Flat Broke Cave

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12/30/2024 - 2:21 PM, CST
With that mulligan #3 for the comic is complete! Very excited to be doing this, makes the whole thing feel a lot more cohesive. At the same time, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't quite a bit more excited for the stuff to come after the mulligan. All in due time. ⚓

10/11/2024 - 8:16 PM, CST
The comic's going really well, very excited to be moving things along in it. Feel like I've been getting a lot better very quickly, outside of my shaky hands. ⚓

05/23/2024 - 11:39 PM, CST
Made a bunch of updates to the comic's hosting, used rarebit, really tried to make it my own with some custom assets. Also hosting it on itch.io now! Also figuring out a lot of stuff behind the scenes, planning things out. It's really exciting ⚓

03/05/2024 - 12:33 AM, CST
C:/Sydney>Working on some more RPGMaker stuff, also things related to the comic. Having a good time with that. Also trying to get the comic to be more navigable, want to add like a "goto" field so you can go to a specific comic, as well as "first" and "latest" buttons. ⚓

02/21/2024 - 7:21 AM, CST
C:/Sydney>There's been a lot of shit. Tumblr seeming less viable. One part of me wants to just continue on on Cohost or whatever, but to be honest, a bigger part of me just wants to not be "online" anymore. ⚓

02/21/2023 - 11:11 PM, CST
Syd here. Added some things to the gallery, and did some basic site maintenance. Gonna try and do some more DEPTH COMPLAINT stuff tonight! It feels really good to be finally getting to the point of being able to make longer-term projects. ⚓️

01/09/2023 - 9:43 AM, CST
Sydney here. Haven't updated the site in a while, thinking about maybe trying to make the gallery easier to navigate. Right now, everything is loading in at full resolution. Would probably work better with some sort of thumbnail and/or navigation system. Plenty of works sice the last update too, but it's a higher priority to change the overall shape of the page before adding anything to it. But who knows if I'll actually get around to it. ⚓️

11/12/2022 - 9:30 PM, CST
C:/???>Figuring out what the hell DEPTH COMPLAINT is supposed to be about.

10/31/2022 - 6:14 AM, CST
C:/P03-M>Been quietly working on things. Mostly self-maintenance. Creative juices flowing just as slowly as usual. Can barely churn out these logs regularly.

08/18/2022 - 5:37 AM, CST
C:/P03-M>Ruined pretty much the whole week. Not that it wasn't already ruined. Need somewhere to fuckin go that isn't here.

08/11/2022 - 5:32 AM, CST
C:/P03-M>Had a pretty terrible day today. Ending it off with like, a log entry. And an album I gue$$zz haha

07/27/2022 - 8:21 PM, CST
C:/P03-M>That site sucked. Glad I'm not on it anymore. Been working on some stuff, writing, games. Music, even. Crazy, right? :P

07/17/2022 - 12:44 AM, CST
C:/P03-M>Got perma'd from Twitter. Good riddance, would prefer not to lose all my followers online! Would prefer if that didn't happen.

07/04/2022 - 4:05 PM, CST
C:/P03-M>Strange things happening. People blowing shit up.

06/28/2022 - 4:44 AM, CST
C:/P03-M>Need some replacement parts. Need some old shit removed. Not running at required capacity, haven't been for a while.

06/14/2022 - 10:33 AM, CST
C:/P03-M>Tornado yesterday, supercell. Feeling weird. Listened to Suicide's self-titled album, really resonated. Fuck america.

06/13/2022 - 9:58 AM, CST
C:/P03-M>Pushed a new build of DEPTH COMPLAINT today, closer to "unpushed progress that's been hanging around for a while" than anything else. It's still nice. Gotta do this stuff more often.

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